Unlocking the Voice of the Customer: A 5-step Guide for New Product Managers

A 5-step Guide for New Product Managers

As a new product manager, developing product sense is crucial to your success. One of the key aspects of this is mastering the Voice of Customer (VoC) - a method of capturing customer expectations, frustrations, and preferences regarding your product. This guide will walk you through the process of effectively generating and utilizing VoC insights to drive product success.

Voice of Customer: The Foundation of Product Success

Voice of Customer matters because it's the reason your product and company exist. Listening to your customers can help you:

  • Improve product features and services.
  • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Identify new market opportunities.
  • Reduce churn rates by addressing pain points.
  • Enhance the overall customer experience.

With this understanding, you can approach VoC with the right mindset and commitment. Let's dive into the 5-step process for unlocking the Voice of Customer.

1. Objective-driven VoC

Make sure you know which avenues customers use to submit feedback or discuss your product. Some key channels include:

  • Website and App
  • Customer Support channels like Intercom, Zendesk, etc.
  • Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • Surveys and Review platforms like SurveyMonkey, G2, Trustpilot, etc.
  • Meeting Recordings and Transcripts

2. Analyze and Interpret the Data

Once you've gathered the data, it's time to analyze it. Look for patterns, trends, and significant insights that align with your objectives. Use tools like Excel, Google Sheets, or specialized VoC software like Medallia, Qualtrics, or UserSoup to organize and analyze the data.

a. Categorize Feedback

Group similar feedback together to identify common themes. This can help you understand the most pressing issues or popular features among your customers.

b. Prioritize Insights

Not all feedback will be actionable or equally important. Prioritize insights based on their potential impact on customer satisfaction and business goals.

3. Act on the Insights

Insights are valuable only if they lead to action. Work with your team to develop a plan to address the key findings from your VoC data. This might involve:

  • Enhancing existing features or developing new ones.
  • Improving customer support processes.
  • Making changes to your product roadmap based on customer needs.
  • Communicating changes or updates to your customers to show that you value their feedback.

4. Close the Loop with Customers

After implementing changes, it's crucial to close the loop with your customers. Let them know that their feedback was heard and acted upon. This can be done through:

  • Email updates.
  • Blog posts or social media announcements.
  • In-app notifications.

Closing the loop not only builds trust but also encourages customers to continue providing valuable feedback.

5. Continuously Monitor and Iterate

VoC is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. Continuously monitor customer feedback and iterate on your approaches. Regularly update your VoC strategy to adapt to changing customer needs and market dynamics.


Generating VoC as a junior product manager may seem daunting, but it's a critical step towards creating a product that truly resonates with your customers. By understanding the importance of VoC, defining clear objectives, identifying touchpoints, choosing the right methods, analyzing data, acting on insights, closing the loop, and continuously monitoring, you can harness the power of customer feedback to drive product success.

Remember, UserSoup can help you get started with VoC in under 5 minutes, providing the tools and support you need to embark on your VoC journey with confidence.

Further Reading

To deepen your understanding of Voice of Customer and its implementation in product management, consider exploring these resources:

By continually refining your VoC strategies and staying attuned to your customers' needs, you'll be well-equipped to drive product innovations that truly matter to your users.